flying slugs and sloppy stucco
The roofers finished replacing our old roof more than three weeks ago, not long after we wound up our fraught dealings with Wooden Window.
It's not apt to rain again until November; why bother replacing the roof? Didn't we learn anything from our experience with the windows?
But no. We're slow learners. We ran right out and found a roofing company that would replace the roof right away. This wouldn't be nearly so disruptive as the window work; all we had to do was move a dozen or so potted plants off the lightwell (which is technically part of the roof) and that'd be it.
"Will they be coming in to use the bathroom," I asked the roofer after we'd received the final bid and were signing the contract.
"Oh, no," he said. "They're like camels."
I decided to pursue the question no further.
For a week, we lived in a drum, with camel-like roofers clattering over our heads and the acrid smell of tar in the air. Friday afternoon rolled around and they were done; they offered to help me move the potted plants back into the lightwell, but I demurred. They were anxious to leave and I was anxious to have the house back.
√ Windows.
√ Roof.
Four hours was the length of time between the departure of roofers Carlos and Orlando and the arrival of Mark. It was an exceptionally brief bout of euphoria.
It was dark when Mark got home. He peered out the kitchen window into the lightwell.
“Did they tell you they were done?” Mark asked me.
“Yeah. They left around 4:30.”
“Oh, really. And they definitely said they were done?”
I knew trouble was brewing. I told him that—yes—they were definitely done, and that in fact they stayed longer than they thought they would have to, and were bummed to be joining Friday afternoon Bay Bridge traffic.
“They were bummed,” Mark echoed. “They. Who’s they? Who worked on the stucco?”
But I knew where the “who’s they” line of questioning was going, and it wasn’t good.
“I can’t believe you were standing in the kitchen and you don’t know who did the stucco.” Mark said.

Yes, ladies and gentlemen of the jury, I knew in my heart of hearts that Carlos and Orlando did the stucco. And that “Carlos and Orlando” was not the right answer to Mark’s stucco question.
“And you don’t see anything wrong with it?”
“The stucco, you mean?”
“Yes! The stucco. What do you think I’m talking about?”

I think it’s safe to say that stucco is an art.
It’s about as difficult to do an aesthetic stucco job as it is to get 6-pack abs.
Our stucco, unfortunately, looked flabby, out-of-shape. And its complexion didn’t look so hot either. The edges were ragged and messy. It looked bad, and although I didn’t say anything, I also knew that the only way to fix it was to knock it all out and do it again. All over again.

Indeed, when I told my colleague Michael this story, he said, “you should listen to Danette go on about stucco. She is certain that it is stucco destroying America (™), not gay marriage or flag burning...”
So Mark is not the only one; he has company. I have enormous respect for Danette. She works for NASA; I think she might even be an astronaut. And if she says that bad stucco is destroying America, I will take her at her word.
That was three weeks ago.
I think I’ve mentioned my other houseplants before. I’m sure I have. What’d I put the count at, 37? Something like that. There may even be more; I try not to maintain an accurate count.
Since the lightwell is the view out the kitchen window—and since I stare out the kitchen window while I’m doing the dishes—before we had the roof done, the lightwell was home to even more houseplants. I thought it’d be nice to stare out at the hardier of my houseplants when I looked out the window.
Those hardy houseplants were not counted as part of the 37.
Carlos and Orlando moved some of them, the giant pots of mint and horsetails and the giant fern, out to the back of the house.
So… I brought them into the house. Thirteen more houseplants. Mark covered the guest room floor downstairs with a big sheet of plastic that the window guys had left behind.
Although I didn’t really have any place to put them, thirteen more houseplants didn’t exactly seem problematic. Ah, what’s a dozen or so more houseplants anyway?

How would a slug get onto the roof?
How could a slug get onto the roof? Are these special flying slugs?

So I poured a cupful of water on each of the succulents and on the palms and ferns and on the cymbidiums and on the pot of curly grass. “Drink up, guys,” I said. I convinced myself that they looked pleased and well-nourished. Beads of water sparkled where the succulents’ leaves converged into little cups. Water drained into the plastic catch-pans underneath the plants. “Lookin’ good,” I told the roomful of plants and gave them the thumbs-up as I left.
“Ewwwww!” I said, perhaps louder than was necessary. “Ewwwww!” But was involuntary.
I realize that slugs don’t bite, don’t sting, and they’re a great deal smaller than I am. They’re not that menacing. I was in no particular danger. But—ewwwww—they’re gross. Snails at least have the great good sense to wear some kind of outer garments.

If I put little Ghillie suits on the slugs, they’d at least be cuddly. They’d still be a nuisance, but they’d be more like squirrels, and less like slimy inverts.
Little furry flying slugs.
It’s an idea.

I know it might be inadvertently interpreted as Buddhist, but I just can’t spray chemicals on bugs any more.
So what should I do with the infestation of slugs?
Believe it or not, we’ve had an indoor slug infestation before. When we lived in Mountain View, in an apartment we lovingly referred to as “the cave”, slugs—big ones—would come in under the dishwasher during the night. You’d turn on the kitchen light, and instead of cockroaches scattering, a giant slick and slimy (fat and sassy) slug would continue its steady march across the kitchen, undeterred by the startling flood of fluorescent light (“Does this light make my complexion look bad?” I thought I heard one ask).

That time, I dealt with the slugs with a determined course of benign neglect. That’s right: I just ignored them. Occasionally, I’d find a desiccated slug nestled in the carpeting, a victim of a bad sense of direction. But usually, they made it back out to wherever they were actually going without further notice.
This time, benign neglect made less sense.
And besides, our housecleaner just gave me a new cymbidium; its flowers were pristine and beautiful. I owed it to him to try to protect the cymbidium flowers from the mucusoid invaders.
There were a lot of slugs. Not just two or three. A lot. Every time I saw some and donned a rubber glove to bring them outside, when I came back, there’d be a few more waiting for me.
Technically, I don’t think they were actually waiting for me. They were just sliming across the giant sheet of plastic, doing important slug things. Things I really wouldn’t understand. They were on the march. Going somewhere with a great sense of purpose, slug-antennae outstretched. Were they going to the movies? Trying to find a wireless connection? Looking for 4 bars of connectivity on their slug cell phones? Doing slug aerobics?
Who knows why slugs do the things they do.
All I knew is that I didn’t want them to do those things indoors. I wanted them to fly back to the roof.
Be gone, slugs! Fly away, fly away home! Get on the Google bus and join your slug counterparts in our old apartment in Mountain View! Just forgodssakes don’t stay here.
13+37=50. Thirteen lightwell plants plus 37 indoor plants. That’d be 50 plants. 50!
So I went to Berkeley last Sunday night and picked up about a dozen more houseplants. A miniature ficus tree. A Christmas cactus. A cluster of epiphytes, several in bloom. More cymbidiums. A philodendron-ish plant. And several rather large and healthy-looking cacti.
Ouch. Ouch. Ouch.
I drove across the Bay Bridge late Sunday night, the back of my car full of plants, and the back of my hand full of tiny, painful cactus spines. Cacti with big fierce spines are almost safer than those innocent furry-looking cacti that leave you with a carpet of pain when you brush up against them. At least my mouth wasn’t full of the taboo frisson of raw pork, as it was during another recent drive across the bridge.

Because frankly, I feel guilty about fussing to the roofer about the stucco, even though I know that we’re perfectly within our rights to do so.
The other day, our roofer—a soft-spoken guy named David—came out to talk about the job.
“So tell me exactly what you think is wrong with the stucco,” he says to me. “I can’t see it.”
Can he really not see it? I start feeling silly.
“You know, it’s where it blends with the stucco on the house. See. It sticks up.”
“Sticks up?” David says. “What do you mean?”
Is this a trick, or is he really not seeing that the new stucco is as lumpy as oatmeal where it meets the old stucco? After all, I didn’t notice the problem myself for those four pleasant hours between the workmen’s departure and Mark’s scrutiny, although I was trying not to look.

I’ve come around to Mark’s dissatisfaction, although not his anger.
Still I feel sheepish. I tell David, “Let’s go out there and look, okay?” I don’t know why I’ve suggested this—if it’s something you can only see up close, it certainly doesn’t argue for a re-do. I can see what there is to see from where we are standing, at the kitchen window.
Yet we crawl out the kitchen window onto the lightwell, both of us. I run my hands over the edge of the offending stucco. “See?” I ask David.
“I’m afraid I don’t,” he tells me.
Does he really not see it? I think he doesn’t.
But he humors me: “I’ll have my stucco guy come out and take a look. He’ll be able to tell us for sure.”
The magic stucco guy! I’m completely mollified, although Mark is still too angry to participate.
“He doesn’t see it?” Mark rages. “He doesn’t see it? How can he not see it?” And he goes on to tell me that he thinks David might be putting me on, that he must see it. That he’s just trying to manipulate me into accepting the substandard job.

The stucco guy is tactful, but I can see that he’s with Danette and Mark on this one. He says to David, “No offense to your guys, but I think we’re going to have to do this over.”
David grimaces, but maintains professional cool. I almost wish Mark were out there with us; I’m sure he would applaud. But he is still hiding in the guest room, amid the jungle of houseplants, native and temporary, with the few slugs who have been successful in taking cover. Even after a several-week cooling off period, he is afraid his anger will erupt in an unseemly outburst.
And sometime, in the far distant future, the lightwell will be re-stuccoed and repainted and I will be able to put a dozen stray houseplants out there, leftover slugs and all.
Thank god roofs last for 20 years.
You don't have enough comments on your blog.
Jonathan Small
The sad truth is, I don't. It makes me feel terribly lonely.
Then again, slugs can't type. I'm sure there are lots of slugs reading this post. Avidly. They're avidly reading this post. Wearing their ghillie suits and dimestore reading glasses, poring over my blog. Legions of slugs.
Slugs: you know who you are. Leave audio comments.
I loved your blog; very well written and entertaining. I am about to embark on a stucco and windows and roof project myself so this is of particular interest to me.
I loved your blog; very entertaining.
Chin up. There are lots of lurkers out there. Jonathan, your last name says it all.
Your blog is great - so well written, I enjoy it. There - that's a comment!
Also I used to live in San Francisco, had slugs in my yard, and grow lots of cactus. I know what you mean about the tiny tiny prickers that you can't see (let alone get out) but can feel.
And the slugs? My solution? Flush them down the toilet. That way no one gets hurt.
Very entertaining blog.
I didn't copy it. I drew it all by myself in S Clay WIlson's style...
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